Pluto Crime

Montalban Murder In The Central Committee DeMarco October Heat Milton The China Option Slovo Morbid Symptoms Cook The Waste Remains Pikser Junk On The Hill
Hillerman Dance Hall Of The Dead Fountain Days Like These Rathbone Watching The Detectives Ruff The Dark Red Star Larsen Not A Through Street McCartan Operation Emerald
DeMarco Frisco Blues Rathbone The Euro-Killers Begg The Anvil Agreement Dunant Exterminating Angels Biderman Strange Inheritance Shannon Broken Codes
Lear Death In Leningrad Montalban Southern Seas McDowell Dope Opera Stone Too Deep Then

A small corner of the web dedicated to the Pluto Crime series, published by the independent socialist book publishers Pluto Press from 1984 -1987. More to follow, some covers are links and more information can be found on some authors and detectives on Wikipedia or The Thrilling Detective.

The covers show the series in roughly chronological order, the first six were in trade paperback format, followed by a bit of a redesign and move to a mass market paperback format before another redesign and return to trade paperback format.

The series was edited by Ronald Segal (see the Guardian obituary) but also bears the influence of Pete Ayrton who, at Serpent's Tail, republished some of the titles and other works by the authors.